New ASC opened in Olshanska AH

On 15 October, a new Administrative Service Centre was opened in Olshanske urban-type settlement in the Mykolayiv Oblast with the support of the Ukrainian and Swedish experts. Hromada residents got access to 70 types of quality administrative services, including the most essential ones.

The U-LEAD with Europe Programme assisted the hromada in institutionalising, modernising the Centre and equipping part of the ASC workplaces with furniture and IT appliances. The staff also underwent a five-module training course developed by Swedish and Ukrainian Programme experts.

The hromada also overhauled the room, equipped it for the needs of people with disabilities and arranged a children's corner.

Susanna Dellans, Sida Programme Director of U-LEAD with Europe, noted: “For local authorities, provided with more opportunities since the start of the decentralisation process, high-quality administrative service delivery to residents is one of their priorities. We are glad that the Olshanska hromada took part in our Programme and we congratulate its residents with the opening of a new Centre, which from today will provide only high-quality administrative services in comfortable conditions.”

Serhii Novak, head of the Olshanska AH, said: “Due to the joint efforts of the hromada and the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, we now have a modern and accessible administrative service centre. I am sure that it will become a place of our hromada development. We thank the partners for their support and are looking forward to future cooperation.”

Within the Roll-Out Phase of U-LEAD with Europe Programme’s support to improved administrative service delivery, up to 600 ASCs will be established and modernised in the hromadas of Ukraine by the end of 2020.

15.10.2019 - 15:36 | Views: 12451
New ASC opened in Olshanska AH

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Administrative services


Миколаївська область


Ольшанська територіальна громада


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