Where does Slavska hromada invest money?

According to the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories, the Slavska AH has the largest revenue reverse in the Lviv Oblast. In total, in 2019, its revenues are planned to amount to over UAH 145 million, and the development budget is UAH 4.75 million.

Traditionally, large hromada capital expenditures are associated with infrastructure repair and construction. And since the Slavska AH is rapidly increasing its tourism potential, the need for proper service, social and administrative services is at the forefront.

The most visited service centre – the Slavske settlement council – is being renovated for UAH 1.5 million, since the ground floor will soon host an Administrative Service Centre.

Premises to house a kindergarten were purchased in the village of Lybokhora for UAH 1.45 million, and new playgrounds were installed for the sum of UAH 198 thousand on the territory of the existing kindergartens in Slavske settlement, Yalynkuvate, Khashchovanya and Reshitka villages. Almost UAH 2.2 million were invested in major repairs of hromada schools. Instruments for music school were purchased as well.

Construction of a sports ground in the village of Volosianka in course of 2018-2019 cost UAH 1.5 million of own budget funds.

Almost UAH 1.6 million were spent on major repairs of communal roads.

UAH 1.5 million of own funds were invested in the implementation of street lighting projects.

A considerable amount of money was also allocated to healthcare: major repairs were made to the premises of the Communal Non-Profit Enterprise "Slavske City Hospital" hospital, outpatient clinic for UAH 398 thousand. 403.9 thousand of co-financing from the settlement budget were directed to the construction of an outpatient clinic in the Volosianka village.

Overhaul of the roof of the Community House in the village of Nyzhnia Rozhanka cost almost UAH 200 thousand.

Recently, implementation of the “Velocarpathia” project has begun with UAH 7 million provided by the settlement council, UAH 2.5 million – by international technical assistance programmes and UAH 300 thousand allocated within the programme of tourism and resorts’ development of the Lviv Oblast State Administration.

In 2019, construction of a bicycle track on Pogar Mountain was completed for UAH 613 thousand, of which 300 thousand came from the oblast budget.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

04.10.2019 - 16:42 | Views: 10137
Where does Slavska hromada invest money?

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amalgamation of hromadas


Львівська область


Славська територіальна громада


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