MinRegion’s Initiative: decentralisation.gov.ua launched Q&A section. Learn more about reform

Communication of the parties is an important tool for the quality implementation of the joint task. And if this is the task of decentralisation and reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power, communication becomes even more important. After all, the reform concerns each and everyone – citizens, local self-government, teachers, doctors, firefighters, everyone who feels it important to change themselves and change lives in their hromadas – villages and cities.

Therefore, at the initiative of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories, decentralisation.gov.ua prepared the Questions&Answers section. In addition to answering the frequently asked questions contained in this section, anyone can write a question of their own and get an answer in a reasonable time.

“We are interested in feedback from hromadas, their residents, and local governments, because we focus on the result. For this it is important to receive feedback from them on our plans and steps that we are implementing as part of local self-government reform and decentralisation. Their opinion and vision are important for solving issues, since they are the direct leaders of the reform. And further communication will help everyone be more effective in decision-making,” commented Vyacheslav Negoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories.

It should be mentioned that Alyona Babak, Minister of Development of Communities and Territories, has declared intentions to establish systemic communication with regions and hromadas.

Thus, the Questions&Answers section has become one of the first steps in building such a communication.




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