From IDP to Head of Hromada in four years - story of Oksana Dyadyunova, head of Reshetylivska AH

Oksana Dyadyunova, Head of Reshetylivska Amalgamated Hromada, Poltava Oblast 

The professional story of Oksana Diadiunova is fascinating: within four years, this delicate woman went all the way from being an internally displaced person to becoming the acting head of hromada. Until 2015, Oksana Diadiunova was a successful entrepreneur in Alchevsk, Luhansk region, where she had her own business – selling books and toys for children. However, the war in Eastern Ukraine and the feeling of patriotism made this woman and her family move to Reshetylivka town. Having management experience, Ms. Oksana understood that she wanted to personally influence the state of affairs in her new home.  That’s why she chose the path of going public. Oksana Diudiunova started getting to know the people of Reshetylivska hromada when she worked for a local public organization. She conducted public hearings and later being already acting hromada head assited Reshetylivka in getting the status of a city. This first success inspired Ms. Oksana to run for the position of the deputy head of the hromada. The young professional clearly understood all the advantages of the decentralization reform, therefore she knocked at every door in her district and talked to people in person. Success was around the corner and Oksana became the head of Reshetylivska hromada. Under her leadership, the hromada has already implemented several projects – there are new sport playgrounds for children and a bus service (marshrutka) connecting remoted villages with the city got established. Oksana Diudiunova says that success comes at the least expected moment and in order for that to happen, you have to love what you do and listen to people.              




Полтавська область


Решетилівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


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Авторка: Олександра Койдель, зовнішня експертка Програми "U-LEAD з Європою" Довгострокове відновлення України...