MinRegion expects first elections to be held in new AHs and calls on all actors of the process to rush

Hromadas that complete formal voluntary amalgamation procedures should hurry up. In order to switch to direct interbudgetary relations from the beginning of 2020, they must hold the first local elections by December at the latest. They also need to consider the time it takes for the CEC to decide on the appointment of such elections, emphasised MinRegion, commenting on the new data of the capable hromadas formation process that came from the oblast state administrations.

“To be or not to be the new amalgamated hromada is largely up to them. Those who make the final amalgamation decisions today, and there are 39 of them, have to hurry. After that, it is required that the oblast state administrations send a request for the appointment of the first election to the CEC. Those who expect conclusions from the oblast state administrations (8 AHs in total), and those regarding election in which appeals to the Central Election Commission are being prepared, (5 AHs), should help the OSA to implement the law in a timely manner,” commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

He also expressed his hope that the Central Election Commission will again support the initiatives of AHs this time and appoint the first local elections on their territories soon.

“Appeals on 63 AHs have already been received by the CEC. Almost 600,000 people live in these hromadas. A decision needs to be made. I hope that the Central Election Commission knows it well without MinRegion,” the First Deputy Minister added.

Last week, MinRegion addressed the oblast state administrations to urgently review the perspective plans for the formation of hromadas’ territories and make changes to them, which will allow the newly formed AHs to switch to direct interbudgetary relations in 2020.


elections V.Nehoda CEC


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