The Chernechchynska AH is one of the youngest amalgamated hromadas in the Sumy Oblast. Established in the second half of 2017, it became the largest rural AH in the oblast. It includes 32 settlements of the Okhtyrka Rayon, with a population of almost 11,000 people.
Now, the hromada has 12 schools and kindergartens, 25 cultural establishments, 5 outpatient clinics, and 7 rural health posts. Due to active hromada activity, most of these establishments were repaired in the first year and a half.
In particular, the hromada hub school - Chernechchyna Secondary School of I-III grades named after M.V. Pylypenko - is implementing the New Ukrainian School project, purchased new computer and multimedia equipment, and carried out a number of energy-saving activities.
The hromada does not ignore starosta districts (there are 8 of them in the AH), actively repairs houses of culture and prepares schools for the start of the new academic year.
The hromada is also actively working on ideas to increase investment attractiveness and support business ideas. One of the first solar power plants in the Sumy Oblast is being prepared for construction, a peat pellet production unit and the Slavna mountain and ski recreational complex are planned to be opened in the village of Zhuravne.
Hromada residents believe that only team work will give positive results in socio-economic and cultural development of the AH, and that inhabitants of each, even the most remote village have to live in the same comfortable conditions as the residents of its administrative centre.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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