Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman names decentralisation as one of the key reforms that the state should pay special attention to and protect.
Opening the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers on 17 July, the Prime Minister pointed out that Ukraine had several options concerning its further decentralisation, with the federalisation of Ukraine being the worst-case scenario.
“What does decentralisation mean? It means new roads, new educational environment and many other things that every family needs. What is going to happen next? Either we will finalise the establishment of hromadas, or we will freeze the old system and demolish the financial decentralisation. We will either fix decentralisation in the Constitution, or attempts will be made to push us towards federalisation,” Volodymyr Groysman said. In his opinion, Ukraine does have a choice as well as it will have to bear the consequences of this choice.
The head of the Government also mentioned the parliamentary elections due to take place in several days: the new Parliament will be elected having a new coalition and, accordingly, a new government. This is the reason why it is so crucial to ensure that the key transformations launched to build a strong and successful Ukraine will not be stopped and retracted, but will be protected and continued after 22 July – following the elections day.
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