How Shumska AH cares about people with special needs

The DESPRO project and Decentralisation have a great story to share that comes from the Shumska AH in the Ternopil Oblast. This hromada takes care of each resident and, as the locals say, “it will always be this way, because our hromada is fully equipped for this”. Decentralisation has indeed enabled the hromada to pursue an appropriate social policy, not to mention other benefits. Physically challenged people and children with special education needs enjoy the utmost attention of the municipal authorities now. The social taxi service and the inclusive resource centre are among the initiatives implemented by the Shumska AH that have made life brighter for many of its residents.

You can find more information in the video:



DESPRO social services


Тернопільська область


Шумська територіальна громада


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