During our struggle for amalgamation we lost UAH 150 million, - head of Pomichnyanska AH, Kirovohrad Oblast


Mykola Antoshyk, head of the Pomichnyanska urban amalgamated hromada in the Kirovohrad Oblast, told about struggle for amalgamation, victories and current challenges in the UCMC-DOBRE “Speakers of Hromadas” project.

Unlike the AHs, which during amalgamation were opposed by the leadership of the rayon or oblast, the Pomichnyanska hromada could not run for elections because of the legislation – it did not allow settlements from different rayons to amalgamate into one AH. One side of the street is the Pomyshchna city belongs to the Dobrovelychkivka Rayon, while the other – to the Novoukrayinka Rayon.

In order to get election appointed, Pomichna residents addressed all possible instances: appealed to MPs, the Rayon State Administration, Association of Ukrainian Cities, even sued the Central Election Commission for non-appointment of the elections. Finally, the changes to the law were introduced.

“In a year and a half we have done more than in all previous years. We bought a new utility machinery (loader, excavator), purchased diagnostic equipment to the hospital, created a primary healthcare link. Lighting was set up both in the city and in the village, replaced all the windows in kindergartens, started insulation. This will save us heating costs. We bought a bus to bring children from the village to more powerful city schools. We also build a football ground that is half-financed by the state.”

The city of Pomichna did not have its primary healthcare link, so it had to be created from scratch – starting with offices and equipment to search of specialists.




This year, the Pomichnyanska AH has allocated UAH 2.5 million for ongoing road repairs. Last year it carried out major repairs for UAH 4 million.

“Prior to amalgamation there was a period when we did not have any funds for the development budget. Then there was a million. Now – about UAH 20 million. For comparison, I will say: there was a time when we were able to allocate 17 thousand for the entire year of landscaping. Now – 2.5 million.”

Last year, the Pomichnyanska AH earned about UAH 98 million, part of which returned to the state for distribution to less wealthy hromadas.

The personal income tax (PIT) is the main source of income for the Pomichnyanska AH.

It also works on attracting donor funds – writes projects for various competitions and grants. And this, in the opinion of Mykola Antoshyk, is also an important opportunity provided by decentralisation.

Over a year and a half the AH has submitted 60 projects.

Young people in the Pomichnyanska hromada also carry out their own projects. For example, the Youth Council introduces a separate collection of garbage. Schools have special containers installed. Young people learn to make money from waste to have a resource to implement new initiatives.



The reform must be completed – sums up the head of the Pomichnyanska AH.

“Looking back, I want to say that these reforms had to be completed yesterday. Perhaps it was a right decision to give an opportunity for voluntary amalgamation. But it was necessary to set the task, for example, to complete this process by 1 January 2019. There is now a risk that everything may be stopped. However, there is no way back.”

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Кіровоградська область


Помічнянська міська об’єднана територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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