Successful examples are the best agitation for amalgamation, - Chairman of Zabolottsivska AH

Zabolottsivska amalgamated hromada is located in Brody district of Lviv Oblast. It is one of the pioneering hromadas in decentralisation reform, which was the first to take risk of uniting: it was established on August 7, 2015, by uniting two rural councils.

What is the life of hromada 4 years on and it is possible to become capable with less than 3,000 people? – we asked Mariia Dyskant, the Chairman of hromada in the framework of the UKMC-DOBRE “Hromada Speakers” project.

“We realised that decentralisation is the only chance for such a small hromada, because if we don't do that, we will lose everything. If people have doubts, they are caused by lack of information. The information is sufficient now, and available. If hromada authorities want to convince people, it is possible and few trips to successful hromadas will be enough,” says Maria Dyskant.

The main thing that hromadas require from the government, she says, is the consistency and transparency of the game rules.




Львівська область


Заболотцівська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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