Government allocated 70 million for ASC equipment

Today, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has made a decision to allocate UAH 70 million to purchase equipment for the Administrative Service Centres, that will allow them to issue national and foreign passports, driver's license and to register a car.

This was informed  by Oleksandr Sayenko, Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

"What does it mean? It means that soon we will provide more than a hundred of transparent offices with modern equipment, and millions of people in these hromadas will not need to go to the oblast or rayon centre to obtain a passport or register a car. You just come to the closest ASC and get the service without queues, lots of papers and nerves. And this will be possible in hundreds of centres working in our country,” said the official.

In addition, according to him, the Government has decided to conduct a study on the ASC work in order to identify shortcomings, receive suggestions and comments from citizens, and, ultimately, increase the service quality even more.

“Decentralisation is not only the transfer of funds and delegation of powers to hromadas. It is convenient services for every citizen in any city, town or village. We have started these changes and will do our best to ensure that Ukrainians receive high-quality services, while the “factor of an official” is minimised,” said Oleksandr Sayenko.


Administrative services


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