I cannot imagine that this reform might vanish – head of Kompaniyivska AH on decentralisation






Having seen the success of the neighbours, another council decided to join the Kompaniyivska AH in the Kirovohrad Oblast. No one forced or convinced people – it was their initiative, since they believed in the effectiveness of the reform.

Oleksandr Maslyukov, head of the Kompaniyivska AH, told whether it is possible to stop the decentralisation reform and how amalgamated hromadas are currently developing today, within the frames of the UCMC-DOBRE "Speakers of Hromadas" project.

Kompaniyivka’s first attempts to form an AH in 2014 were unsuccessful. Oleksandr Maslyukov says he did not find support among colleagues from other councils.



Thus, Kompaniyivka was among those who decided to wait for the results of the neighbours. In order to bypass the opposing heads of village councils, Kompaniyivka began to meet with residents of neighbouring villages, Oleksandr Maslyukov recalls.

In October 2017, the first elections took place in the Kompaniyivska settlement AH. Then two village councils decided to amalgamated – in total, 6 settlements. At the end of 2018, the AH was accessed by the Pershotravenka village council, which includes 4 villages.

The Kompaniyivska hromada prepares its development strategy. The working group has 25 participants, including representatives from each attached village council. Polish experts arrive in the AH every month, and each meeting takes place in another settlement.

Oleksandr Maslyukov said that the hromada now has the opportunity to repair streets, install street lighting, build children's and sports grounds. This year, a mini-football field was opened, and they plan to build a basketball court.



In order for the land to bring not only the rent fee, but to create more jobs, and opportunities for self-employment, the AH considers the possibility of establishing cooperatives.

According to the AH head, from the beginning of the new year, it is necessary to form AHs in accordance with the perspective plans.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Кіровоградська область


Компаніївська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Компаніївська територіальна громада


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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