How civil society organisation promotes hromada development

The youth of the Zabolotsivska AH united to implement their own vision for the AH and to help raise additional funds. For this purpose, the young hromada residents created a "Fairy" civil society organisation.

"We are very proud of the fact that our hromada has many active young people who want to live here, do not plan to migrate anywhere and want to join the arrangement of a comfortable life," says Maria Dyskant, head of the AH.

The CSO’s Statute states that it is formed in order to satisfy and protect the social, creative and cultural interests of citizens; participate in solving educational, social, environmental and community problems. Its actions will be aimed at the development and support of youth initiatives; conducting educational, cultural and educational activities. 

The first meeting of the founders of the CSO "Fairy" took place in the central park of Zabolotsi village.

All subsequent meetings addressed issues of strategic planning, annual planning, formulation of the main goals and objectives. Within a few months of its existence, the organisation has concluded two contracts with the charitable organisation "Lviv Educational Foundation" for the purpose of implementing projects. 

In addition, now the CSO activists, together with hromada leaders, are working on the preparation of the park improvement project.

The Zabolotsivska AH participated in an international study visit of the AH representatives of the Lviv, Volyn and Zhytomyr Oblasts to Lublin and surrounding gminas of the Lublin Voivodship to exchange experience and best practices in the field of social service provision at the local level.

Since then, the hromada has tried to use the knowledge gained and establish a holistic system of social work, attract as many people as possible to organisational issues and hromada decision-making.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Львівська область


Заболотцівська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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