Today 66 amalgamated hromadas hold their first elections, and 30 AHs – additional ones

Today, on 30 June 2019, the first elections of local deputies and heads are held in 66 amalgamated hromadas. Another 30 AHs, accessed by 50 neighbouring hromadas, hold their additional elections.

“This is an important step for continuation of the reform throughout the country. Next it is necessary to make decentralisation irreversible and enshrine it in the Constitution. Thus, we can protect the changes and success of each individual AH. Our main goal is to make the entire map of Ukraine consist of successful hromadas,” said Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman.

The first elections are held in 19 oblasts (CEC’s resolution).

Additional elections are held in 13 regions (CEC’s resolution).

In total, after this elections, 877 AHs will finally be formed in Ukraine. Almost 40 AHs are waiting for the appointment of the first elections.

30.06.2019 - 09:51 | Views: 12394
Today 66 amalgamated hromadas hold their first elections, and 30 AHs – additional ones


elections Volodymyr Groysman amalgamation of hromadas accession


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