Another 129 hromadas to establish proper ASCs with U-LEAD’s support

In November 2018, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme's team on support to improved administrative service delivery announced the third round of hromadas' selection for assistance in the modernisation and establishment of ASCs. The selection commission, composed of Programme experts, representatives of the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, MinRegion and the Ministry of Economic Development, has analysed 327 applications from 22 oblasts of Ukraine and selected 151 applications for further analysis of hromadas' capacity and development of Terms of Reference on ASC establishment or modernisation.

As a result of the Programme experts' visits to hromadas, the Terms of Reference were developed and approved for 129 capable communities, with distribution of responsibilities between the Programme and hromada. More information on the ToR is available at the link.

For all hromadas that have not yet joined the Programme, there is an opportunity to apply for participation in the fourth selection round. Applications will be accepted until 30 June 2019. Application can be submitted on the website:

The list of Programme partner hromadas in Round 3, that received the ToR for the ASC establishment / modernisation is available in Ukrainian


27.06.2019 - 15:54 | Views: 12228

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Administrative services


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