AHs and rayon councils can jointly create educational districts and form a network of hub schools – Government's decision

The local authorities of amalgamated hromadas and rayons will be able to unite for the creation of educational districts. They should include hub schools, out-of-school educational, cultural and sports institutions. This is stipulated by the Provision on the Educational District and the Hub Instituion, approved on 19 June 2019, during the Cabinet of Ministers’ session.

“In the document, we paid much attention to the issue of hub schools – we wrote the procedure for the competition for such a status, the minimum number of pupils, structure of the educational process. Currently, according to the operational data, there are 785 hub schools and 1272 of their branches in Ukraine. The opportunity for the formation of educational districts should stimulate local authorities to be more attentive to the educational institutions network and effectively spend the money on their maintenance,” said Liliya Hrynevych, Minister of Education and Science.

Under the new Provision, the number of pupils in secondary schools should be at least 200. That is, the institution, financed from several local and a state budgets, should cover the highest number of children with high-quality education.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

20.06.2019 - 12:36 | Views: 11318
AHs and rayon councils can jointly create educational districts and form a network of hub schools – Government's decision




Мінісерство освіти та науки

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