AH Association calls on all political forces to publicly declare their support for decentralisation

The Association of Amalgamated Hromadas urges all political forces to publicly declare their support for the reform of local self-government and the decentralisation process.

This was stated by Oleksandr Korinnyi, head of the AH Association, during a press conference at the Ukrinform news agency.

“The Association Board and Council at its meeting on 13 June decided that the Association will propose political parties to participate in the political declaration and thus publicly confirm their readiness to continue the initiated social transformations – make necessary changes to the Constitution, vote for other important laws for reforming the country, relying on the principles and norms of the European Charter of Local Self-Government,” he stressed.

Full text of the declaration is available in Ukrainian – DOWNLOAD

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

18.06.2019 - 16:20 | Views: 9863
AH Association calls on all political forces to publicly declare their support for decentralisation

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amalgamation of hromadas


Асоціація ОТГ

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