AHs are ready to take over road repair powers. Example of Kherson Oblast

The Kochubeyivska amalgamated hromada in the Kherson Oblast not only conducts major repairs of communal roads, which are on hromada’s balance, it is ready to even maintain th roads of oblast significance, in order to carry out repairs on their own.

The AH was formed in 2015 and consists of 14 villages of the Vysokopillya Rayon that borders with the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Over the past four years, the AH has increased its budget tenfold, opened its Administrative Service Centre, maintains schools and outpatient clinics, and introduced participatory budget. In addition, the Kochubeyivka AH repairs its roads on its own.



Achievements of the Kochubeyivska AH


Changes began in 2016, next year after amalgamation, tells Ivan Dudar, head of the Kochubeyivska AH. Then, the hromada carried out major renovation of about two kilometres of roads in three settlements at its own expense and engaging the funds of the state subvention for infrastructure development. There was no asphalt cover before.



Ivan Dudar, head of the Kochubeyivska AH


There are about 150 km of roads on the hromada’s territory. Many of them still need repairs, however, these repairs became possible after the introduction of decentralisation reform, when money began to stay on the ground.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:


roads infrastructure


Херсонська область


Кочубеївська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Кочубеївська територіальна громада


Громадське радіо

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