The Delyatynska AH was established at the end of 2017. It consists of the village Delyatyn, Zarichchia, Chorni Oslavy and Chornyi Potik village councils – in total 17 thousand people.
And although the hromada itself is only one and a half years old, many things have been done here. In all settlements, the AH has already implemented one infrastructure improvement project.
According to AH head Bohdan Klymjuk, before amalgamation the budget of all village councils was more than UAH 4 million, and last year it has already made up UAH 92 million.
It should be noted that construction of the school in Chornyi Potik started in 2015, but due to lack of funding, it was very slow. The new building will allow pupils to be transferred to large classes.
The second facility, financed last year by infrastructure subvention funds and the funds of the regional budget, is a playground with artificial cover.
Last year the AH repaired and insulated the facade of the kindergarten. In addition, street lighting was set up in the village and land melioration was carried out.
It is worth noting that the hromada decided to approach the planning of future steps in a comprehensive way and began working on the Development Strategy up to 2027.
At the same time, according to Vira Kukhtaruk, secretary of the village council, within the framework of CanAction's Spatial Planning School, the Delyatynska hromada prepared a spatial development concept, a set of maps with hromada resources and opportunities, as well as a vision of future changes in its territory.
In addition to plans to restore the balneological resort, the AH wants to arrange a motorcycle route, a route to historic sites.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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