The Parliament adopted the draft law, allowing amalgamated communities to form and meet their own budgets

Amendments to the Budget code will facilitate adequate formation and meeting of budgets of amalgamated territorial communities. They will also keep the quality of budgetary provision of non-amalgamated territorial communities at its present level.

Draft Law of Ukraine # 3490 “On Introduction of Amendments to Budget Code of Ukraine Concerning Peculiarities of Formation and Meeting of Budgets of Consolidated Territorial Communities” was supported by 242 people’s deputies on Thursday.

“With the adoption of this law, local authorities of amalgamated territorial communities will develop their budgets and facilitate their fulfillment. The communities will be able to fund budgetary establishments with full amounts and in time, as well as bear other necessary costs”, Gennady Zubko stated.

The draft law provides amendments to the Budget code, which will:

Regulate the procedures of development of draft budgets in amalgamated territorial communities, and define the mechanisms for control of compliance with budgetary legislation in part, concerning inter-budgetary relations in local self-government bodies of newly-formed communities;

Define the peculiarities of formation of incomes and expenditures of amalgamated territorial community budgets in case of delayed entering into force of the Law on State budget of Ukraine, as well as in case of delayed decision on the respective local budget;

Regulate the issues concerning funding of communities, which have not amalgamated, but still belong to raions, where some territorial communities are amalgamated ones.

As we know, on October 25, 2015, in according to the Law of Ukraine “On voluntary unification of territorial communities”, the first elections took place in 159 amalgamated territorial communities. The election was the starting point of the process of local self-government bodies’ formation in these territorial communities.



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