Rada simplified administrative services provision system

To facilitate the implementation of reform of local self-government and territorial organization of authority, on November 26 Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine approved a set of draft laws, targeted at reformation of administrative services provision system.

For instance, the draft Law of Ukraine “On state registration of legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and civil formations” was approved in the second reading and as a whole. The respective decision was supported by 247 people’s deputies.

The document is targeted at reformation of administrative services provision system. It provides, that the responsibilities for administrative services in the area of state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs shall be delegated to local self-government bodies, local state administrations, notary offices, and banks.

“Approval of this decision will ensure openness and transparency of administrative services provision. The services will be provided effectively and in time, while the number of respective procedural actions will be minimized”, said the Vice Prime-Minister, Minister of regional development, construction, and housing and communal services of Ukraine, Gennady Zubko.

The draft law is approved in compliance with implementation of provisions of the Concept of local self-government reformation and territorial organization of authority in Ukraine. It was adopted by the decree of the Cabinet of Minsiters of Ukraine of April 1, 2014, #333-p, and concerned the distribution of administrative services provision competencies between local self-government bodies and executive authorities.

Beside that, the Law of Ukraine “On state registration of property rights for immovable property and their encumbrances” was approved in the second reading and as a whole. The draft law was supported by 252 people’s deputies.

“The law will facilitate simplification of the procedure for state registration of property rights for immovable property and their encumbrances. Beside that, it will regulate the issues regarding the delegation of respective competencies to local self-government bodies”, Gennady Zubko noted.

The draft Law of Ukraine “On introduction of amendments to Budget code of Ukraine (on financial support of administrative services provision by local self-government bodies)” was also approved in the second reading and as a whole (by 271 people’s deputies).

According to the document, it is intended to redistribute the incomes of state and local budgets, due to delegation of responsibilities for administrative services provision in the spheres of state registration of property rights for immovable property and the administrative services provision system in the sphere of state registration of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to local self-government bodies and local state administrations.

“These changes will provide the financial component of the problem of re-distribution of administrative services provision competencies between local self-government bodies and executive authorities at different levels of administrative and territorial organization”, said Gennady Zubko.



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