Budget Process-2019: Experts have shown changes in local budget formation and performance

In 2019, one of the peculiarities of the budget process in Ukraine was the introduction of medium-term planning at the local level. Accordingly, processes and procedures for preparing local budgets have undergone changes.

Due to introduction of medium-term budget planning, the number of budget process stages increased:

  1. drawing up and consideration of the Budget Declaration (local budget forecast), as well as relevant decision-making;
  2. budget drafting;
  3. consideration of the draft and adoption of the law on the State Budget of Ukraine (or decision on local budget);
  4. implementation of the budget, including amendments to the law on the State Budget of Ukraine (or decision on local budget);
  5. preparation and review of the report on budget implementation and decision on it.

A full-fledged process of medium-term budget planning at the level of local budgets will begin in 2020.

Taking into account the innovations of the budget legislation, experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme have developed updated materials (DOWNLOAD) on the main stages of local budget formation and implementation.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

04.06.2019 - 16:56 | Views: 23477
Budget Process-2019: Experts have shown changes in local budget formation and performance

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