All services under one roof: Hromada office opened in Sokyrynetska AH

A renovated hromada office was opened in the village of Khyzhyntsi of the Sokyrynetska rural AH in the Vinnytsia Oblast.

The Sokyrynetska hromada was established in 2016 and includes 3 settlements: Khyzhyntsi, Parpurivtsi and Maidan Chapelskyi – with the population of about 4,000 people. The hromada used to be managed from the village of Sokyryntsi, where the village council was located in the small premises. In 2017 the Sokyrynetska AH started to renovate the building of the village club in Khyzhyntsi to place an AH office there.

According to the locals, it is much more convenient for women with kids, elderly people and residents from neighbouring villages to reach the hromada’s office in the village of Khyzhyntsi because of the convenient transport logistics. Thus, the hromada decided to renovate the building and provided almost UAH 6 million (funds of infrastructure subvention and local budget) for its renovation.

All structural subdivisions of the village council are located at 300 sq. m. Two rooms are occupied by the education department, a separate subdivision of the hromada. Besides, the renovated office will work with pension and employment issues at specially equipped workplaces. The hromada has preserved the assembly hall for creative hromada teams to have lessons, and has also provided a room for the local football team to discuss organisational issues.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:


Вінницька область


Сокиринецька сільська об’єднана територіальна громада


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