12 Kharkiv Oblast’s hromadas received grants for primary healthcare development (+list)

On 22 May, the competition commission identified the winners of the mini-grant competition for the development of primary healthcare for the Effective Primary Healthcare in Hromada” project, held from 28 March to 12 May 2019.

According to Halyna Pron’kina, mini-grants programme coordinator, 54 project applications were submitted to the competition: 26 from primary healthcare centres and 28 from the local self-government bodies of the oblast, where the primary healthcare institutions operate.

As a result, the competition commission selected 12 projects to be implemented in the Kharkiv Oblast. The total amount of support is UAH 2 999 104.

“According to the evaluation results and expert recommendations, the projects we support this year relate to the modernisation of medical institutions and purchase of new equipment, which will enable residents of the territorial hromadas of the oblast to obtain more accessible and quality healthcare,” noted Ms Pron’kina.

The next step is to conclude project agreements between the Project Coordinator – the Kharkiv Oblast Council and the winners.

The teams will carry out projects from June to November 2019.

For a list of winners, please refer to: https://bitly.su/4OlRTGyP


The mini-grant competition is part of the project “Effective Primary Healthcare in the Hromada”, implemented under the EU programme “Support to Civil Society, Local Government and Human Rights in Ukraine” and funded by the European Union. The competition is planned in two stages: the first – in 2019, the second – in 2020.

The project is being implemented by the Kharkiv Oblast Council (Project Coordinator), the NGO “Agency of Changes “Perspectyva”, the Ukrainian-German Medical Association, and the Association of Local Self-Governments of the Kharkiv Oblast.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

27.05.2019 - 09:39 | Views: 9581
12 Kharkiv Oblast’s hromadas received grants for primary healthcare development (+list)




Харківська область


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