How to motivate young people and interest children: experience of Korostyshivska AH
While young people are studying at the local government school, pupils create models of airplanes, missiles and ships in the clubs of young technicians.
“The Korostyshivska AH is unique in that it is home to many school-age children and youth. There, they found a way to engage young people in hromada life and direct their potential to the right track. Young people have a lot of original creative ideas that can be easily implemented if such local initiatives are supported,” said Dmytro Klymenko, adviser of the Zhytomyr Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.
“The key areas of activity of our youth council include holding events, writing grant projects, educational direction (trainings, seminars, conferences) and exchange of experience with other AHs,” noted Serhii Vdovenko, deputy head of the department of education, youth and sports of the Korostyshiv City Council, chairman of youth public council.
One of successful local projects to be implemented is the “Multimedia Centre – Public Library”. The youth public council has developed a concept that transforms the third floor of the cultural home into youth needs. In particular, there will be a multimedia centre, a mini-cinema and a lounge area.
The latest projects written by the youth council comprise the music festival for young bands “Olizar Music Fest” within the “Small cities - great impressions” competition.
Nowadays Korostyshiv is actively discussing the idea of creating a youth centre that will become a working, recreation and youth development space.
The hromada pays no less attention to the work with children. After school, girls and boys have the opportunity to spend their free time for their benefit and pleasure in the children's creativity centre, reconstructed at the expense of SFRD, art and music schools, children's youth physical training club and a young technicians’ station.
Over the past year, young technicians’ station has introduced new interest clubs, including “Cycling Tourism”, “Robotics”, “Infinite World of Games with LEGO” and “Young Lady”. In addition, they plan to introduce an ecological and patriotic clubs.
Yulia Vozniuk, deputy chairman of the youth public council, became the director of the Korostyshiv young technicians’ station a year ago and immediately began to upgrade the equipment and seek new approaches to working with children.
The outdated equipment used by the clubs is being replaced with the new energy saving one.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
Житомирська областьГромади:
Коростишівська міська об’єднана територіальна громада Коростишівська територіальна громадаSource:
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