First session of “Female Leaders of Local Self-Government” training completed

The first session of the "Female Leaders of Local Self-Government" training organised by the Swiss-Ukrainian project "Decentralisation Support in Ukraine", DESPRO, which is being implemented by Skat – Swiss Resource Centre and Consultancies for Development and funded by the SDC – the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, finished on 16 May.

The DESPRO project, in its activity to support women's participation in decision-making, is guided by the cross-cutting topic of supporting gender equality of the Strategy of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Ukraine for 2015-2018. Women at the level and in partnership with men become the driving force behind the changes in the decentralisation process. That is why DESPRO is conducting trainings for local self-government representatives and has also launched an online course "Gender Policy for the Development of Local Self-Government" for representatives of all levels of local government, men and women on the Community of Practices platform. In addition, DESPRO initiated the creation of the Network of Female Leaders of Local Self-Government, which can be joined in the Facebook group, in order to increase women's leadership capacity in amalgamated hromadas.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:


DESPRO study



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