There are almost 900 AHs on the map, and the time is coming when voluntary amalgamation will lose its relevance

The process of capable hromadas’ formation is not losing momentum. This is evidenced by the data of oblast state administrations provided to MinRegion.

Administrations reported that 24 newly formed amalgamated hromadas are waiting for the Central Election Commission’s decision to appoint the first local elections on their territories. Another 22 local councils joined the existing 17 AHs. Appeals to appoint elections are also sent to the CEC. 8 perspective AHs are waiting for the conclusion of the oblast state administrations on the compliance of amalgamation decisions with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine.

The final decision on amalgamation is being taken by 37 future AHs and 11 existing AHs to be accessed by 14 local councils.

“This suggests that the process is moving on. More and more local self-government bodies are announcing their readiness to assume responsibility for the situation on the ground. This is the key to solving many local problems, as evidenced by the experience of the existing amalgamated hromadas that have become examples to follow. We are welcoming hromadas’ determination and remind that MinRegion is their first assistant in the reform process,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, First Deputy Minister of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services.

There are also 26 AHs with the centres in cities of oblast significance formed. They were joined by 63 surrounding village and settlement councils. Another 6 cities of oblast significance started the accession process.

Previously, reported that the first local elections will be held in 66 newly formed AHs on 30 June.

Consequently, 898 AHs have already been voluntarily formed in Ukraine. Soon, as planned, this principle will lose its relevance, since in 2020, regular local elections should take place on a new territorial basis. Local councils that will not form AHs by that time will be amalgamated in an administrative way. By the way, the state provides 5-year financial support for infrastructure development to hromadas, that amalgamated voluntarily.

We are reminding that there are 95 rayons with no AHs formed so far. In order to provide residents of these rayons with as much information as possible about the local self-government reform and benefits of hromadas’ amalgamation, MinRegion together with the U-LEAD with Europe Programme launches a new information campaign I am Hromada.

07.05.2019 - 17:14 | Views: 14679
There are almost 900 AHs on the map, and the time is coming when voluntary amalgamation will lose its relevance


V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas


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