Stebliv schoolchildren will soon have a modern mini-football field

A 42 x 22 metre-football field of about UAH 1.5 million will soon be assembled on the territory of the Stebliv secondary school of I-III degrees named after I.S.Nechuy-Levytskyi. Metal equipment and artificial grass are ready for installation.

In addition, the hromada will arrange a water well to provide the school and kindergarten with pure artesian water.

According to the leadership of the Steblivska AH, during 2018, all four schools were procured with interactive whiteboards, laptops and projectors due to the AH budget funds. At the expense of the state infrastructure subvention, they bought sports equipment: modern training devices, tennis tables, a set of sport air rifles, since a modern sports shooting range is planned to be constructed there. The AH also plans to set up a multifunctional sports ground near the school.

Soon, the facade of the school building will be insulated, and window blocks will be replaced by new ones at the expense of the hromada budget and the state subvention.


Черкаська область


Стеблівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Стеблівська територіальна громада


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