How to use infrastructure subvention in 2019 efficiently

By Oleksandr Hnitetskyi, spatial planning expert of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme

On 24 April 2019, the Government allocated budget subvention for the development of amalgamated hromadas in the amount of UAH 2.1 billion. The subvention is distributed among 806 AHs, which this year have switched to direct interbudgetary relations with the state budget.

In its letter as of 18 February 2019 No 7/19.1/2595-19 MinRegion of Ukraine advises AHs to direct subvention funds to the development of urban planning documentation (in case of its absence) as the first priority.

The main urban planning documents at the local level are the general plan and territory zoning plan.

Why are these documents important? They make it possible to change the boundaries of settlements, and therefore use land resources more efficiently and increase own local budget revenues.

Everyone wants to attract investments, business in order to create new jobs in the hromada, increase population and budget. However, in the absence of a general plan and a zoning plan, it is impossible even to construct something on the AH territory.

As for specialists: spatial planning experts of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, working in the regional Local Government Development Centres, can provide the necessary consultations on preparation of the main urban development documents.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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02.05.2019 - 13:47 | Views: 19961
Олександр Гнітецький

Author: Олександр Гнітецький


spatial planning Oleksandr Hnitetskyi


Житомирська область


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