Pysanka festival held in Mokrokalyhirska hromada

A grand feast organised on the eve of Easter in the Mokrokalyhirska AH gathered 17 hromadas of the region that presented their cultural, artistic and tourist potential. This was evidenced by the journalists of the Cherkasy mass media, whose visit to the Mokrokalyhirska AH was initiated by the Cherkasy Local Government Development Centre established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and Minregion.

A spectacular bright event was organised in the Mokra Kalyhirka estate park, which is a landmark of the garden landscape of the late 18th century. Here hromadas presented their pysankas (painted Easter eggs), paintings, rushnyks (embroidered towels) and other folk art products related to Easter. The feast was an opportunity to demonstrate the best craftwork and the brightest talents of hromadas, since each hromada-participant of the festival had to make a creative hromada performance. On this day hromadas also competed in a football match that also became part of the holiday.

For the Pysanka Festival, the Mokrokalyhirska AH set an exposition of large pysankas along the central street. They were made and decorated by various creative AH groups. The institutions working in the hromada presented their own thematic exhibitions at the festival, held interesting workshops (pysanka decoration, baking of pancakes, cooking of lenten Easter dishes).

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE



Attached images:


Черкаська область


Мокрокалигірська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Мокрокалигірська територіальна громада


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