Intermunicipal cooperation as uniting factor of Vinnytsia Oblast’s hromadas

On-site seminar on development of intermunicipal cooperation in the Vinnytsia Oblast was held in the village of Obodivka, Trostyanets Rayon. The event was organised by the experts from the Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion of Ukraine. The meeting was held with assistance provided by the Obodivka village council. To discuss mechanisms of intermunicipal cooperation and hromada development projects, the organisers invited representatives of different rayons of the Vinnytsia Oblast, as well as deputies of the oblast council, employees of executive bodies of local self-government, and entrepreneurs.

Yevhen Shapovalov, decentralisation advisor of the Vinnytsia LGDC, focused on the broad opportunities of hromadas’ intermunicipal cooperation.

During the meeting, the participants got acquainted with the experience of implementation of intermunicipal cooperation in the Obodivska AH. Kostyantyn Remenyuk, head of the Obodivka village council, presented a new hromada project – children’s recreational camp “Podilska Kazka”.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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Вінницька область


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