In the Vinnytsia Oblast, AH financiers are studying to form budgets based on the needs of different gender-age groups at the training on “Application of a gender-oriented approach in the budget process of amalgamated hromadas”.
The training of the AH representatives was organised by the Vinnytsia Local Govenrment Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion.
The Swedish experience in implementing gender responsive budgeting approaches is very interesting for Ukrainians, since Sweden introduced it many years ago and has a positive experience.
Gender responsive budgeting is an instrument that implements a comprehensive gender approach in the budget process. That is, this tool, when formulating the AH budget, takes into account the needs, interests and opportunities of women and men.
In general, about 30 representatives of amalgamated hromadas of the Vinnytsia Oblast take part in the training. They will learn the basics of gender responsive budgeting in course of two days.
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE
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