Best decentralisation practices presented in Zhytomyr

In Zhytomyr, representatives of amalgamated hromadas talked about their important successes and significant achievements within the framework of the presentation “Best Practices of the Decentralisation Reform”. These are stories featuring the ways creative projects that appeal to the youth and children are being implemented in small villages and towns.

AHs have the opportunity to write development projects and raise funds from various international funds and organisations. This is exactly the experience of the Baranivska AH, that creates a youth cluster of organic business with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

The head of the Vysokivska AH spoke about the use of state funds for the development and qualitative transformation in hromadas.

The decentralisation reform is the most successful reform in the country, it is being actively implemented and demonstrates qualitative changes in the Zhytomyr Oblast. And hromadas are proud of their successes, build new plans and set ambitious goals.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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