Decentralisation opportunities gave impetus to school education development and allowed to reduce queues at kindergartens threefold, -Prime Minister

Decentralisation opportunities and transfer of significant financial resources allowed local authorities to pay attention to the development of preschool and school education, restore and build educational infrastructure, and significantly reduce queues to kindergartens, stated Prime Minister of Ukraine Volodymyr Groysman, speaking with the participants of the General Meeting of the Association of Amalgamated Hromadas.

“Three years ago there were about 96 thousand children in the queue to kindergartens stood. In three years we have reduced this queue to 33 thousand,” said Volodymyr Groysman. “Last year we transferred UAH 37 billion for regional development. This year the sum will make up about UAH 50 billion, including the funds for the New Ukrainian school. "

As the Head of Government noted, Ukraine’s governing system is changing. Hromadas have become more experienced in recent years. “You have become 20 streets ahead. You began to look deeply into the essence of the problems. You are new leaders. You stepped into the new system, mastered new knowledge, new qualities and achieved the result,” added the Prime Minister.

More information on the development of education within decentralisation is available HERE

21.02.2019 - 12:35 | Views: 8755
Decentralisation opportunities gave impetus to school education development and allowed to reduce queues at kindergartens threefold, -Prime Minister


Volodymyr Groysman education


Урядовий портал

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