Hub school as the basic AH educational centre - Vinnytsia LGDC created a model of effective network of educational institutions

The Vinnytsia Local Government Development Centre familiarised educators from the AHs of the region with the main priorities of the New Ukrainian School concept. A seminar “Modeling of educational networks in AHs taking into account innovative and other aspects of modern education development in Ukraine” was held with the assistance of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme. Olena Lesina, head of the primary education department at the Vinnytsia Academy of Continued Education, and Vitaliy Shvets, municipal services advisor of the Vinnytsia LGDC, were the speakers at the event.

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01.02.2019 - 16:24 | Views: 12716
Hub school as the basic AH educational centre - Vinnytsia LGDC created a model of effective network of educational institutions

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hub school education


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