Pupils of Sofiyivka school will soon have a new stadium

The Dnipropetrovsk OSA continues the reconstruction of one of the largest schools in the Sofiyivka Rayon. Currently, the school stadium is practically ready and soon physical training lessons will be conducted there. The new sports facility is the main highlight of global renewal, believes the educational institution.

“We can say that there has never been a full-fledged stadium. Now will have the one. Physical training lessons will soon start here. Apparently, this is the biggest gift for our children this year,” said Rymma Tyrkba, director of the Sofiyivka school.

Reconstruction of the school has been on for the fifth month.

In 2019, the school sports hall will be restored and the surrounding area will be improved.

In terms of the number of pupils, the Sofiyivka school is the largest not only in the AH, but also in the rayon.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

27.09.2018 - 16:02 | Views: 13005
Pupils of Sofiyivka school will soon have a new stadium

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