Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast’s AHs “brought up” their own project managers


A whole galaxy of talented project managers appeared in amalgamated hromadas of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast over the past 2018. Due to their work, Prykarpattia AHs for the second year in a row use almost 100% of infrastructure subventions and learned to attract additional funds from the oblast budget in terms of projects.

In 2016 the AHs of the Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast implemented 41 infrastructure projects for the amount of UAH 21.8 million, in 2017 – 95 projects for the amount of UAH 43.2 million, in 2018 – 129 projects worth UAH 58.4 million, at the expense of infrastructure subventions. In total, it is UAH 133 million for projects financed by infrastructure subventions only.

“Understanding of the fact that through the drafting of projects you can get additional funds and other assets necessary for the dynamic development of the hromada has inspired hromada leaders to pay more attention to this area and encourage their own personnel to actively study and grow up professionally,” considers Ihor Melnychuk, regional development advisor of the Ivano- Frankivsk LGDC.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




Івано-Франківська область


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