“Leaders of Changes” project launched in Rivne Oblast

The “Leaders of Changes” project was presented in Rivne. It is jointly implemented by the Rivne Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, and the Association of AHs in the Rivne Oblast with the assistance of the Rivne Oblast State Administration and the Oblast Council.

Heads of amalgamated hromadas, experts and media representatives discussed the project provisions, procedure for its implementation, proposed nominations and approved the Steering Committee during the round table meeting, held at the LGDC premises.

The goal of the project is to show real achievements of hromadas and personal growth of local leaders through the prism of human capital, as admitted by Ruslan Syvyi, Rivne LGDC Director.

“This should be a story of making a leader of a new formation, who is changing along with changes in the state, and influencing changes in the hromada by his/her own example," stressed Ruslan Syvyi.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

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personnel competition


Рівненська область


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