ANNOUNCEMENT! Forum “Democratisation of Administrative Buildings in Ukraine: Architectural View” to be held on 30 January in Kyiv

In Ukraine, there is a growing need to create and modernise public use buildings, oriented towards hromada sustainable development, as well as take into account needs of all its inhabitants without exception. Administrative Service Centres (ASCs) are the examples of such buildings.

On 30 January, from 18.30 till 21.00, the “Zhovten” cinema (Kyiv) will host the Forum “Democratisation of Administrative Buildings in Ukraine: Architectural View”.

The purpose of the event is to present the best Ukrainian and foreign developments in the field of administrative buildings and public space arrangement to hromadas, construction and city planning specialists.

Organisers: U-LEAD with Europe Programme (support to improved administrative service delivery) in partnership with the СANactions educational platform.

The entrance is free after registration:

Please note: registration is valid until 24 January, confirmation of participation will be sent to e-mail on 25 January.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.01.2019 - 13:17 | Views: 12368
ANNOUNCEMENT!  Forum “Democratisation of Administrative Buildings in Ukraine: Architectural View” to be held on 30 January in Kyiv


announcement Administrative services


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