The Association of Ukrainian Cities, which is actively involved in implementing the tasks of the Governmental reform of local self-government and territorial organisation of power, sticks to its stance of enshrining the changes that take place in the local self-government system in the Constitution of Ukraine. The Association urges to consider the draft law No. 2217-a “On Amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine (regarding the decentralisation of power)” during the next plenary week of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Oleksandr Slobozhan, Executive Director of the Association of Ukrainian Cities, commented on this issue to journalists.
“We support the stance of the President of Ukraine and Prime Minister, who advocate the irreversibility of decentralisation. There is a common understanding that the relevant amendments to the Principal Law can provide such irreversibility. The parliamentary agenda envisages consideration of the draft law No. 2217. Why can this not be done in the nearest days? Local self-government has been long waiting for it. Therefore, I think that nothing prevents from resolving this issue on Monday, 14 January, and considering these amendments to the Constitution during the next plenary week,” said Oleksandr Slobozhan.
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