Association of Ukrainian Cities issued another hromadas’ “Success Book”

The Association of Ukrainian Cities issued another hromadas’ “Success Book”. This is a quarterly publication for the fourth quarter of 2018.

This edition of the Success Book comprises about 80 stories showing the positive impact of decentralisation on hromadas’ life.

Through new powers and resources, obtained due to the reform, local self-government bodies have the ability to direct increased budgets to improve comfort and living standards in hromadas. Changes for the better are observed in almost all spheres – from education and healthcare to housing and communal services.

“It's now clear to everyone that new finances and new powers, acquired by the hromadas, have become new opportunities for the development and progress towards improving the quality of life of Ukrainians. Local self-government bodies are now deciding on their own what needs are of top priority and which projects should be financed. Nevertheless, it is very important to learn how to efficiently manage resources, identify priority areas, and plan hromada development,” said Oleksandr Slobozhan, Executive Director of the AUC.

The publication was issued within the PULSE Project, implemented by the Association of Ukrainian Cities with the support of USAID.

The publication can be downloaded on the AUC’s website or in our online library.

02.01.2019 - 11:56 | Views: 9795

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Best practices


Асоціація міст України

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