AHs in Rivne Oblast may be expanded – Oblast Council has changed perspective plan

The Rivne Oblast Council made changes to the perspective plan for the formation of hromadas’ territories in the Rivne Oblast.

Changes to the perspective plan were proposed by the Regional Task Force. In general, the proposals applied to the hromadas of the Dubno rayon, and namely the promising Dubenska urban AH, which could include the hromada of Dubno city, as well as the Ivannivska and Malosadivska rural hromadas. However, over the four years of reform, the amalgamation processes around Dubno did not succeed.

So, the Ivannivska hromada has a desire to access the Pryvilnenska AH. Appropriate decisions have already been taken by the Ivannivka village and Pryvilne village councils. So, both hromadas were waiting for changes in the perspective plan to complete the accession process.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

19.12.2018 - 16:03 | Views: 13087

Attached images:


perspective plan


Рівненська область


Повчанська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Привільненська сільська об’єднана територіальна громада Повчанська територіальна громада Привільненська територіальна громада


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