This is a clear sabotage to disrupt elections in 34 AHs, - Serhii Vlasenko, on deputy’s lawsuit and court decision

On 21 November, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Committee on State Building, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government considered issues related to possible violations of legislation in the process of the formation of 34 amalgamated hromadas, which are indicated in the decision of the District Administrative Court of Kyiv No.640/18007/18 dated 2 November 2018.

"This is a clear sabotage to disrupt elections in 34 AHs. And the Central Election Commission was drawn into this sabotage. This is my estimation and personal conviction. And so today we are considering this issue. We are concerned that it does not become a Pandora's box. For what if such lawsuits will start being filed in relation to other hromadas?.. And it turns out – there are no reasons, there is no foundation, the deputy and the judge did something in some way (...). I will appeal to the High Council of Justice regarding this issue. For all this looks very strange ...,” noted Serhii Vlasenko, chairman of the Committee, talking on the results of the issue consideration.

As you know, on 2 November this year, MP of Ukraine Artem Vitko filed a lawsuit with the District Administrative Court of Kyiv demanding the abolition of the first elections in 34 AHs, scheduled for 23 December 2018. The court in the person of judge Olesya Chudak partially upheld this claim.

Video recording of the Committee meeting (consideration of the issue on elections in 34 AHs from the 51st minute):

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


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