18 March 2025
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From oxygen lack to WHO appreciation. How the hospital of Kitsman has managed to improve during the pandemic From oxygen lack to WHO appreciation. How the hospital of Kitsman has managed to improve during the pandemic
How activists have liquidated piles of rubbish around Novytsya, created a park and arranged public space How activists have liquidated piles of rubbish around Novytsya, created a park and arranged public space
Lessons conducted open air, in a sanatorium and at the library. How a teacher from Mena prepares Olympiad winners. Lessons conducted open air, in a sanatorium and at the library. How a teacher from Mena prepares Olympiad winners.
For almost 20 years in the authorities. How and who is turning Sataniv near Khmelnytskyi into Europe

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«Without actions a dream will be just a dream». A story of the activist, implementing youth projects in Zolotonosha «Without actions a dream will be just a dream». A story of the activist, implementing youth projects in Zolotonosha
Taking small steps to great dreams. A story of creating science picnics and Ternopil Science Centre Taking small steps to great dreams. A story of creating science picnics and Ternopil Science Centre
«Youth has chosen other spheres». Or how to develop a municipality, having founded a deer farm «Youth has chosen other spheres». Or how to develop a municipality, having founded a deer farm
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«До нашої появи у Волновасі не було інклюзії». Історія мами, яка «дивиться серцем» «До нашої появи у Волновасі не було інклюзії». Історія мами, яка «дивиться серцем»
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When coffee is useful: how the Varash municipality works with the elderly When coffee is useful: how the Varash municipality works with the elderly