5 arguments of decentralisation opponents and answers to them




This verbal battle was fixed during the DESPRO debates on "Why Should Hromadas Amalgamate?", held in Poltava.

by Dmytro Syniak

The regular sixth debates on ""Why Should Hromadas Amalgamate?" organised jointly by the Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine" (DESPRO) and MinRegion, were unexpectedly marked by rather weak activity of the hall. For example, only 112 of the 130 people who received special portable switchboards responded to the question whether there was any depopulation of rural areas in their rayon these days. And the question: "Are your local councils currently capable of creating new jobs and increasing revenues to the budgets?" was answered only by 90 participants of the debates. (At the same time, 89% of those, who voted, answered positively to the first question, and 26% answered positively to the second one).

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




DESPRO debates article


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