“Transparent Office” format ASC opened in Velykohayivska hromada
The first of five “Transparent Office” format ASCs, planned to be implemented in the Ternopil Oblast, was opened in the Velykohayivska AH of the Ternopil Rayon. The establishment of such centres takes place in accordance with the programme of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine. Nearly UAH 2 million were spent on the ASC construction: UAH 160 thousand were invested by the hromada itself, UAH 840 thousand came as a State Budget subvention for the development of the AH infrastructure and UAH 1 million were provided by the Ministry of Social Policy.
13 working places were created at the ASC to provide 130 administrative and social services, including in the field of registration, land relations, licenses, certificates, subsidies and other types of assistance, etc. The administrative service centre is located on the first floor of the administrative building of the Velyki Hayi Village Council. Its opening ceremony was attended by Larysa Popova, Deputy Minister of Social Policy of Ukraine, oblast and rayon authorities, Taras Yurik and Roman Zastavnyi, MPs from Ternopil Oblast, as well as hromada residents
The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:
Тернопільська областьГромади:
Великогаївська територіальна громадаSource:
Тернопільська ОДА

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