ANNOUNCEMENT. Forum “Effective local self-government as key to democratic and law-governed state” to be held in Kramatorsk on 25-26 October

The Forum “Effective local self-government as key to democratic and law-governed state” will take place in the city of Kramatorsk, Donetsk Oblast, on 25-26 October 2018.

The event is organised by the Donetsk and Luhansk Oblast State Administrations, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on Issues of State Construction, Regional Policy and Local Self-Government, Ministry of Regional Development, Construction, Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine, with the support of the Council of Europe.

Within the framework of the event, it is planned to discuss the state of local self-government development and the relevant issues of legislative regulation in this domain, strategic planning as a tool of the new regional policy, resolution of the issues of internally displaced people, development of public broadcasting of hromadas, hromada safety tools, as well as get acquainted with the European experience and standards in the relevant areas.

In case of any questions regarding the Forum, please contact Olga Shevchuk, Programme Manager (tel.: +38 044 303-99-16 (internal 114), +38067-391-05-19, e-mail: and Yana Lazarevska, Programme Assistant (tel. +38 044 303 99 16 (internal 156), mob. +38 093 850 52 75, е-mail:


24.10.2018 - 10:00 | Views: 12894
ANNOUNCEMENT. Forum “Effective local self-government as key to democratic and law-governed state” to be held in Kramatorsk on 25-26 October

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