Odesa Oblast's first AH fire brigade established

The Velykobuyalytska amalgamated hromada of the Ivanivka Rayon of the Odesa Oblast was the first AH in the oblast to organise the fire brigade, as reported by the Odesa Local Government Development Centre, established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and MinRegion, with reference to information from the Rayon State Administration.

The new firefighting unit will solve the issue of lack of rescuers in the eastern part of the rayon. “This firefighting team of five people will considerably assist the rescuers’ unit in servicing the rayon settlements,” said Viktor Lobach, head of the RSA.

Together with village head Yevdokia Ducheva, the official handed over the uniform to the new fire brigade. The fire department in the Velykyi Buyalyk village was created at the expense of the rayon budget.

The AH is currently preparing for the first elections to be held on 23 December. In total by the end of the year, the first elections will be held in the three AHs of the Odesa Oblast.

More information on safety in hromadas can be read HERE


23.10.2018 - 11:15 | Views: 8928
Odesa Oblast's first AH fire brigade established


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