USAID begins two new activities in eastern Ukraine

USAID Democratic Governance East (DG-East) is a five-year (2018-2023) activity to improve trust and confidence between citizens and government in eastern Ukraine, contributing to USAID’s broader development objective of mitigating the impacts of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Key objectives include increased participation in community problem-solving; more efficient, modern service delivery; integration of separated, marginalised, and isolated communities; greater citizen confidence in and understanding of key reforms; and diversified citizen engagement with inclusive and democratic civic values.

The USAID Economic Resilience Activity (2018-2023) will support entrepreneurs and small- and medium-sized businesses in competitive sectors to mitigate the impacts of the conflict and reduce the region's reliance on oligarch-backed big businesses and trade with Russia. In the short-term, ERA will work with conflict-affected and vulnerable populations to help them rebuild their economic livelihoods. In the medium-term, ERA will work in select value chains and with innovative businesses to help them expand and find new markets. ERA’s long-term goal is to build confidence in the future of the eastern Ukrainian economy to stimulate entrepreneurship and investment in the region. ERA primary focus is on providing support to the Luhansk and Donetsk Oblasts, but will actively work to strengthen economic linkages between these two oblasts and the rest of the country.

19.10.2018 - 16:15 | Views: 14497
USAID begins two new activities in eastern Ukraine


USAID participation of citizens


Донецька область Луганська область


USAID Ukraine

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