Ministry of Health of Ukraine will monitor the way physicians of future rural outpatient clinics will be chosen

Information on number of physicians and declaration on choosing a doctor in 512 rural outpatient clinics to be built as part of measures to develop the healthcare system in rural areas is now available online.

In new modern outpatient clinics in Ukrainian villages, primary healthcare services should be provided by doctors, whom patients entrust their health. A qualified doctor in a village with comfortable working conditions and decent wages is the key goal of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.

A doctor should be present in every constructed outpatient clinic. The Ministry of Health will monitor that each outpatient clinic has doctors chosen by patients.

It is worth mentioning that the orders of MinRegion of Ukraine under the approval of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine identified a list of 512 projects of rural outpatient clinics to be built in rural areas of all regions of Ukraine. In total, UAH 2.7 billion is allocated for this purpose.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


19.10.2018 - 13:11 | Views: 9779
Ministry of Health of Ukraine will monitor the way physicians of future rural outpatient clinics will be chosen




Міністерство охорони здоров’я Украіни

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